Joining Folksy

Well it’s been a bit of a struggle with the technical challenges of getting to grips with all the computer stuff, and I know all you computer whizzes (for want of a better word) will be laughing at this, but I’ve learnt a lot from having ago! I have endured head shaking, tutting and intolerance to my incompetence in the computer department from my family who I believe see my efforts as a constant source of amusement!. I have to say they have helped me a little in getting a shop set upon Folksy.

For those of you who are not familiar with Folksy it is a place to buy, sell and make handmade quality crafts. I came across it by accident and was amazed to see a whole online community of talented crafts people . I have always enjoyed handmade quality items appreciating the time, creativity and of course the uniqueness of them.  

Although I have struggled with the challenges of computer jargon I believe that by joining Folksy I have found a place to showcase my textile creations, something that I know I can do. I can admit to being a fabricholic never one to pass a fabric shop by! and I have enjoyed sewing, designing and creating for a number of years for myself, family and friends and have sold items at craft shows. So, if you are looking for something which is beautifully and thoughtfully crafted to embellish your home or to give as a present I hope my ‘shop’ will be a refreshing alternative to the ‘sameness’ of mass-produced goods found on the high street. I hope you’ll take the time to take a look at Folksy where there are all manner of goodies waiting to be discovered, but be warned it can be addictive!

I,ve just had a request from my daughter who says she has an invite to a fancy dress party,  the theme being super heroes’ ,in a couple of days time, and could I please create a wonder woman costume? I explain that I am trying to get to grips with writing a ‘blog’, I think she’s impressed by my new-found computer speak until I notice she is stifling a laugh and says ‘ stick to what you are good at’. I think she’s probably right, I’ll sign off now, just going to create wonder woman! A little outside my usual field but I’m closer to what I know.

Happy shopping!